Showing: 11 - 20 of 20 RESULTS
Latest Art

Art For Sale Abstract Seascapes

Art for sale original Abstract Seascapes by Stella Dunkley A few new semi abstract seascape paintings, completed and on the gallery websites, original art for sale online direct from the artist New Original Paintings The first is titled Light Fall,  I find the quality of light at the coast inspiring, at all times of the …

sunset painting blue nocturne
Latest Art

Original Sunset Painting Blue Nocturne

Latest original sunset painting online Blue Nocturne New art just finished and listed for sale on the gallery website, this new painting is another one of my original sunset paintings titled Blue Nocturne, deepest blues are used in this moody semi-abstract seascape painting, flowing lines and abstract clouds drift across the bluest of skies,  its …

Latest Art

Contemporary Seascape Paintings

Seascape art for sale, original contemporary seascape paintings Coastal Colours is an original beach sunset painting,  the latest of my contemporary seascape paintings inspired by the Dorset coast, with beautiful blues, mauve, pink & gold, its an atmospheric beach scene, capturing a family taking an evening walk on the beach, with sailing boats in the …

Shoreline Reflections paintings for sale by artist Stella Dunkley
Latest Art

Paintings For Sale

Shoreline Reflections Original Seascape Paintings For Sale The latest original seascape painting to be listed for sale at is a large atmospheric view of the beach on a bright day at the shore, this painting is continuing the theme of paintings that feature figures walking along the beach, the painting is an impressionistic contemporary …

Inspirations Latest Art

Abstract Seascape Paintings

Original semi abstract seascape paintings New art update: I have recently completed a few new semi abstract seascape paintings, a subject I often like to paint, creating the mood and atmosphere of the coast, using texture and colour to describe the shoreline, paint applied freely to create sweeping expressive skies,  many of these paintings are …

sunset art rouge tranquille II
Latest Art

Sunset Art, Rouge Tranquille II

Sunset Art by Dorset artist, Rouge Tranquille II Sunset art, original sunset art, Rouge Tranquille II is a vibrant sunset seascape oil painting, when creating this art I wanted to convey a feeling of a hot summer sunset, so I chose deep reds for this painting, its the second in this series of peaceful yet …